Thank you for visiting my web site.
It’s always difficult to write about myself. I believe that I do not need many words to describe what I do.
On my main page you can see hyperlinks that lead to my photos, paintings, vector illustrations and some print shop. You can think that it is too many directions for one artist, but in reality everything what I do has a connection to my interests as an artist.
I’d like to tell you that St. Petersburg (Leningrad) is my place of birth and it is always in my heart. Now, I live almost 20 years and feel like at home in The Hague (the Netherlands) and it is the most wonderful city in the world.
I am an artist with a Diploma of higher education as a Theater Producer of the Leningrad Academy of Culture.
As an artist I specialize in decorative painting. It's a favorite direction in my creativity, and it gives me a great inspiration since I can utilize new art materials and modern techniques. My other passion is photography. In my portfolio you can find photos of architecture and modern interiors and of course, photos of my travel. My photos are publishing in different american and european magazines. Sometimes, I take a pen and write when I see something exceptional and extraordinary.
I ask you to feel free in any question to me.